Els nostres corredors

Laura Pellicer

Resultats/Palmarés             ICF Fitxa


Competeixo en: Kayak/Canoa slalom i Kayak extrem
Estic entrenant desde: Que tenia 7 anys
Model de barcos: Vajda Demon & Galasport Capi
Com et prepares a l’hivern? Durant l’hivern entreno 7 vegades a la setmana i a vegades 2 vegades al dia. Gimnàs, correr, canal,…
Que representa remar per a tu? Paddling means everything to me, because I can’t find myself without it. It’s also the thing you do when you’re having problems anywhere else and you’re under stress. By doing this, you relax and disregard everything else. I can’t imagine life without a kayak.
Which match do you remember as the most beautiful so far: So far, my favorite match is the World Youth Championship in Ivrea 2018, because it was my first big match, and with the team races we won silver with the girls.
Favorite course: Pau, France
Do you paddle even when you’re not training? Where do you like best? As I mentioned earlier I also paddle for rest and relaxation and not just when train.